Uncovering the layers of a new culture takes time and can be frustrating. You may find that it is becoming more and more difficult to understand how Americans think and behave. The information you were given about this country before coming here may now seem incorrect, or overly simple. You may find that you don’t understand the unspoken rules of making friends, solving academic problems, and of course, sharing a house with an American family.
The team of staff members at your school is going to be one of your best resources. You should go to them with questions about confusing situations. For any question or problem that relates to your host family housing, please contact Sheila at SheilaDobbyn@gmail.com . You can make an appointment to meet with her so that she can help you sort through any confusion due to cultural differences or other issues.
You will find that your host family will be a valuable resource for answering questions about American culture. They may be able to explain some things that you have been wondering about. This will give you a chance to share about your own culture. This exchange is why the host family program exists. We hope you take advantage of it.